“As the sailor has the port toward which he is sailing in his mind, you must have a clear mental picture continually in your mind. You must keep your face toward it all the time.” ~ Wallace Wattles
Your mental image will manifest when impressed continuously on the formless substance. There is no doubt in my mind that this is true. It’s Law. The difficulty is in keeping that impression consistent and continuously on your mind.
The Problem with Visualization
Not let me be very clear on this. I don’t think visualization is the problem. Visualization is in fact perfect in every way. It’s perfect because the Universe is perfect. The Universe is in direct alignment with your hearts desires. It’s completely aligned for you in every aspect. In this current moment your life is in complete alignment with what you want.
The problem isn’t visualization. The problem is focus.
Tell me, What do you really want?
Really give that question some thought. I don’t think many people do. When I ask others this question, there are usually two answers,
1) They don’t know
2) They tell me what they think they can get
The first group don’t know what they want. When asked this question they provide elaborate detail on what they don’t want. Their focus is in the wrong place. When they focus on what they don’t want, they get more of that.
You see, there are a lot of people who already know what you know. They know what they don’t want. They know that when they focus on what they don’t want, they get more of it. They know this and they still do it!
The second group is slightly different. When asked the same question, What do you really want? they provide a different answer. They answer based on what they think they can get. They would rather settle than have what they really want.
“There is a massive difference between what you think you can get AND what you really want.” ~ SM
That’s the problem. In my experience that’s why most people have a problem with visualization. The majority of people don’t consciously direct their focus on what they really want. Instead they focus on what they don’t want or what they think they can get.
Why? Because they haven’t decided to go and figure out what they really want.
How to Visualize with Lightning Speed
Visualization is the most natural and beautiful gift we’re given. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can do it.
Recently, I was listening to an audio from Bob Proctor. He mentioned that there are schools in the U.S. and other parts of the world that teach visualization to young children. Some of these kids are ages 6-8. They are so young and they still do it! If they can do it, then so can you.
Visualization is easy, especially if you use this tip.
Begin to think of the first time you fell in love. Think of the first time you met that person and how you felt. Do you remember them? Do you remember that moment?
You see, when you fell in love for the first time you thought about that person all the time. You thought about them in the shower, brushing your teeth, on the bus, in your car and at work. You thought about them every moment of every day. You couldn’t get them off your mind even if you tried. You were making pictures of that person continuously.
If you want to master visualization then fall in love. Fall in love with an idea that will ignite your future.
You want to fall in love with your vision. You want to bring it everywhere you go and just be with it; be totally in love with it.
It sounds so simple and it really is. When you fall in love with your vision you will never have to force it upon your mind again.
Visualization & Gratitude
You see you can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t love yourself then how could you ever love another?
In order to love your vision, you’ve got to love yourself. You really want to be grateful for who you are and what you have. Gratitude connects you to source. When you’re grateful for everything you have, you can’t help but love your life.
You want to focus on the good in your life. You’ve got this genius within you that is just waiting to pour out. You want to be in love with yourself and kiss yourself everyday. You’re a beautiful human being.
Fall in love with yourself and you’ll fall in love with your vision. When you fall in love with your vision you will never have to force it upon your mind again.